Destined for Success

One year in late winter, I decided to try sprouting an avocado pit. In some ways, this seemed doomed to fail at the outset. For one thing, avocados are tropical plants. Currently, it’s the coldest season in the Midwest. The best light happened to be in the kitchen in front of the sliding glass doors….

Still there?

Did you know the resonant frequency of being authentic is higher than the vibration of love? Even though I didn’t know it at the time, nearly two years ago, in my being something was off. I was hitting a crescendo of something that happened even a few years earlier. Because you were faithfully following, and maybe…

The Long Way

“How did you become a ghostwriter?” someone asked. We were at a networking event, so I explained the leaps of faith I made from my decades as an artist to the new field of writing. Some of you already know my parents labeled me an artist at the age of five. This was solely based…

Design Your Own Life

Spring does strange things to people and I’ve been on a cleansing and purging kick. These deep digs turn up funny things. I found a box of rejection slips—from lit journals, anthologies, magazines, and various other publications. It’s like I couldn’t take no for an answer. One “yes” every six months kept me going, and…

With Gratitude

We owe a lot to those who gave all so we could live and breathe and pursue happiness in a free country. Remember them and their families who have also sacrificed a great deal. Many men and women have lost their lives defending our constitution, and many continue to serve our country. Do right by…

Seduced by Someday

Talking with a dear friend the other day, to catch up on our lives and goals. He had written a book but lacked the energy or motivation to market. Like many of us, he wanted to step into a readymade career the way we slip on a comfy, winter coat. He longed to hold regular…

The Beginning is Here

When YeHoVaH brought back those that returned to Zion, We were like unto them that dream.2 Then was our mouth filled with laughter,And our tongue with singing:Then said they among the nations,YeHoVaH has done great things for them.3 Jehovah has done great things for us,Whereof we are glad.4 Turn again our captivity, O YeHoVaH,As the streams in the…

Follow the Sun

One dreary grey day, many years ago, I stared out the window from my seat on a delayed flight to New Mexico. To be honest, the weather reflected my mood pretty accurately. In a word: joyless. After everyone boarded and buckled in, the pilot announced our imminent takeoff. Soon we were speeding down the runway….

Satisfy Small Curiosities

The people around us cannot see into the future. If they could, I would have been accepted into every college prep English class I signed up for in high school.

Sneak Preview

Winter is tough, but you’re tougher. Hang on to your hope. Spring and all its glory are just around the corner. The days are longer, the sun is warmer, let brightness cheer you. You’re stronger this year than ever before! It can still be the best year of your life. You were built for greatness!…

Changing Up

Embracing change encourages growth and resilience.

Arise and Shine

Driving home in the hilly country after working a third shift job, James dozed off behind the wheel. His family became alarmed when he hadn’t returned and began calling his job and friends and finally the police. James was found in a ditch, onconscious, barely alive. They rushed him to a hospital where he was…